67 Dart Build Triangulated 4 link & Mini Tub

I put in about 3 hours today figuring I could at least get the metal tacked in on one of them. That is about all I got done after welding and grinding the floor back to the frame rail and figuring out that there is absolutely no way to put the strip of metal back in one piece.........Damn that was some work! I didn't even have time to take pics. I will post some hopefully tomorrow. The difference between a Dart and a Duster is that the Dart fender is squared off in 2 places and when you make the bend with 1 piece of metal it takes off in a different direction. I actually had to do it in 4 pieces 1 up the face in the trunk, 1 on top, one in the back seat area and another to get around the Z Cut for the seat bracket. I put them in from under the car I didnt like the way it looked on top in the trunk area. The Duster fender looks alot more ROUNDED and seems like you could do it in 1 piece or 2 cutting around the seat belt hardware. FWIW