The Humble Bee

Four weeks back I went to work thinking I would have the Humble Bee in my garage when I got back yesterday to install all the freshly restored/painted parts and crank that baby up. The engine is finished and waiting for the 904 which is waiting for the correct tailshaft seal which should have ( by my thinking ) been ordered and ready long before now. The shop has a very good rep' around town and was rec' to me by another member and until now ( jury still out ) the rep' is well founded. Four weeks and two days ago I told the head wrench the engine would be finished in a few days and he said," I guess I better get going on the transmission ". I understand the shop's position about this being summer and many AC problems but also feel with all the advance notice they have had re: Humble Bee, things could have been handled and necessary parts ordered and ready to go much better.

Whine/rant over.....for today....I have tailshafts seals coming from the far corners of the country to get IT DONE !

Hey, am I wrong here ?

No, you're not wrong.