Disapearing classified adds ?

Well. well, well Mr WeDgie. By the sounds of things you have a PM that i for sure would love for you to expose to all of us here. Are you suggesting that i DID PM you about a violation that i'm accused of NEVER doing. Post up or shut up. Dont slander me if ya cant back it up. Rumble would have given you a vacation by now had it been directed toward him.
If i recall correctly the PM's that you and i exchanged Rumble had the title of "Not sure?" Correct me if i'm wrong. There was never a mention of any foul language or four letter words coming from my direction. I think the topic of exchange had to do with respect among moderators and i dont believe there was any mention of my being "Pissed". That's your term. Any apologies that you have expressed or implied have been accepted and any and all of your jestures or actions have been far from offending me. Joey has stated his stance on all the issues without a doubt and that will also be my stance as this site does belong to him. As i mentioned in previous discussion, i will allow you the respect that you were unable to allow me and that is, i WILL back you up on you decision to either Ban a member or delete a thread for a violation. That is what Mods do. Discussion on these matters should be taken up elsewhere and should not be laundered among the general membership as has been done. This issue is done and closed unless someone chooses to re open it.
Small Block