Leanna Rocks...

John, I'm delighted to hear you're happy with this latest job on your Cuda. I hope it ties in well with the paint and Alien Silver on your other stuff under the hood. It's always great to work with you ... and you "treat" me well!!! :-D Thank you for the business and continued confidence.

Hey, how close was the Arizona Teal???

"THE" rack....not her rack silly....lol.....They have to hang the parts on racks with electrical current for the powder to stick...
Right Leanna?

LMAO Cooter ... My rack gets enough powder on it as it is. Now go back to your corner. :-D

Wire marks are dreadful and something I try to avoid through technique ShowAndGo. The parts are electrically grounded rather than THE rack. Otherwise, the powder would stick to the rack too, and when it melted the parts and the rack would be fused together.