'66 Barracuda rear axle question

The bearing is a sealed type. There is a press-on shaft retainer. Unless you have the press and a bearing spreader (or know how to use a chisel to remove retainer) it is best to take it to a shop. The retainer can be heated in hot oil to (expand) and replace, it takes skill/experience.

So do you really think I need to take the axle in to have the bearing pressed off and new one on? Could I get away with a nice ol' cold chisel and my 5lb hand sledge? then use a big socket to drive the new one on?
Being a full-time student makes you cheap :)
Any tips on which brand bearings to go with? Tmiken or whoever was what I was thinking

Like Kit said, Unless you have the right tools its a tough job. You might save some bucks by removing the bearing yourself, but I would have the new one pressed on at a shop. Less possibility of pressing it on unevenly.

Hey, I'm all for saving money when and where you can. Sometimes you just have to bite the bullet and pay the money. As for a manufacturer, Timken is good as well as SKF, check around as to whats avaliable. I usually check rockauto.com first. Check under "Brake/Wheel/hub" for bearings, they list a SKF bearing for the 7.25 rear for $24.99, SKF Part # RWF34R.