onecatnodog has found you

Shot these up at Red Rocks last weekend with Hell-Cat-H... Saw a Marine Auqa Blue Fastback Cuda cruise by and didn't stop... He should of, as I waved to him and I would have shot one of the 3 girls with his car for this site... Back on track here as that headache rack that you see was made by her on her Dodge truck and yes she can weld... This young lady has lots going on in her life and it's always a pleasure whe she can spend some time in front of my Camera... Some of you know that she opperates Heavy Equiptment when she is not going to College and if you don't, you do now... Thanks Hell-Cat-H........................... onecatnodog

She has LOTS going for her...if she can make a sandwich, she would be perfect.

Heck come to think about it...I can make my own dern sammich.:love7: