Need Your Help Again PLEASE!!

ahhh man....thats a bummer:???:

But there are a few things I am sure of.

I know these guys have what it takes and I know that they obviously have the drive to not let something like that stand in the way of there success.

I have a GREAT feeling that in the near future ZWR will be a commonly known band.

No matter .....these guys rock....and even if they just played in a couple bars once a month....they would still have great music and a fan base (me being one).... its only a matter of time before all there hard work and efforts really start to pay off.

not to mention,they get to see the world and meet so many people and live "the dream" that so many artists can only wish for.

Be proud Mike and Treva and you tell the guys I think they should have been number 1 .....and let me know when they come to michigan!!!!:cheers:
Thank you Dude:happy10: and when they make it to Michigan I will make sure you get a back stage pass to meet these great guy's.
Thank you for your Vote's and the nice words you have sent there way, We are very proud of them :happy10:

That is a bummer they didn't win Memike. But at least they are going to Japan and Guam to play for the military and too me I think that is more of a honor than winning a contest.
I'm still proud of him and the band for giving it their best shot.

Thank you John :happy10: I have to agree =P~ I am so proud that they got to go to Europe and know they will be playing for our troops and see even more of the world :love7: Thank you for yours very fine words of inspiration and the time you took to Vote Bud :cheers:

That really stinks, But you guys will enjoy Guam and Japan. It will be a great trip, been to both places and there is a lot to see and do. Is that the only two spots that they are going to.I have been involved in the transport of the Air Force band and they sometimes play many different locations per trip.
Creed said they are doing 4 different locations :happy10: it would be cool if you was the pilot 8):happy10:
Thank you for everything :happy10: They sure do like looking at this site and seeing the support they get here :happy10:

Well we gave it our best shot. Sometimes things happen for a reason. Maybe the band(s) who got in haven't yet made it to the degree ZWR has and the KY show is their big break...who knows? Now the guys can focus on getting ready for their 4th of July shows for our troops.
You and I are thinking the same way on this goldfish, They have a gig this weekend at a sports bar and then one at some kind of barn club in a town called Donathin Mo. or something like that, I need to go look at there web site and get the info, I have family that have not got to see them yet and are under the age of 21, So maybe it's a place they can see them
A big thank you goldfish :happy10:, for everything :cheers: