904 Questions

I am in the process of slowly building a 340 which I am hoping to have in the 450 hp range. While I am a ways away from having it complete, I want to start getting an idea as to what transmission I should be looking for. This will be an auto transmission. This will be going in a 69 Dart GT Convertible if that makes a difference.

Would a 904 be able to handle that horsepower load, or should I be strictly looking for a 727?

If a 904 will work, would a 904 from a 273 bolt right up to my 340?

Thanks for your advice! In all likely hood, I will be rebuilding the trans regardless of what type I get. ( I don't want to spend all this money on a hot 340 just to have the trans be a weak link). Would one be easier to rebuild than the other.
