Hey, Could this work on our dashes as well? (pics. kinda big, sorry)
It was in regards to fixing the instrument voltage regulator that controls the voltage to the dash gauges, (gauges are run off of a 5 volt system) there is a simple fix that will make it so your gauges won't swing up or down all the way sometimes (ever see your fuel, oil, and water temp spike up or down all at once?). Not necasarily a problem for all, but definatly a problem for some. The fix would cost less than ten bucks and take a few hours of time at most. It's a very good, simple article. I am rather disapointed that they wouldn't let us place it here temporarily. Hopefully I wasn't the only one to request this get placed on their site asap, sometimes things happen quicker when the get a lot of responses from people, ie flood his e-mail so he will make it happen fast, LOL.