The Humble Bee

I already like him! Not many people go above and beyond in this day and age and it's refreshing to witness. I'm sure he'll have you all fixed up soon Roger ... with a work ethic like that, I doubt if he's getting much sleep in the meantime.

" Not many people"....Leanna, I truly believe there are many people like you, Dave, and Doug, and a host of small business owners who adhere to honesty and fairness. It's what it's all about; plain and simple ethics !

And even though the "situation" has not been fully resolved yet I'll put in a plug for Doug Kennedy of Kennedy Machine in Urbana,IL.

After a call yesterday, he closed his shop and came to my house. Just to let him know of the problem, I sent him an e-mail yesterday evening and he called 5 minutes later and was the first call I got this morning. He told me, " If that's the intake you want, I'll MAKE it work".

Kinda sounds like the way things are supposed to work.