push rod length help

I learn something new every day here on FABO. Great info. toolman

It's horrible information and totally useless.

1. On a magnum headed engine with adjustable rockers pushrod length has everything to do with valve geometry. It no longer uses a shaft style rocker setup, it now is pretty close to a chevy small block. Once the height of the rocker is determined that gives the correct geometry and lifter pre-load, the correct pushrod length is measured.

2. Straight line from rocker to lifter? What in the world are you talking about? There will never be a straight line from lifter rocker at any lift on a Mopar small block.

3. On LA heads, the rocker shaft height sets roller to valve tip geometry. Once this is correct, pushrod length is measured so that there is about a thread to a thread and a half showing so the oiling oil in the rocker will lube the cup. It has zero to do with "a straight line at 55% lift".

Sheesh, this is why I don't hang around in the tech forums much anymore.