My 1967 Cuda Restoration

need ask if they did the whole job = re gauges refinished / installed - - lookin SOH fine -?? is this the finish product ?? and can you say what it cost and how long it took == without hurting us ?? i will sit down eazing any fall from heart failure haha ? - car and progress muchly appreciated cudanutz

Not sure what you are asking here. CV platers only did the dash bezel and
glove box trim along with the arm rests. I cleaned and installed the gauges.
Total cost for the cv job was $676.00.....took about 6-8 weeks.

If you are talking about the car, I have been working on it since 2006.
The wife and I paid a grand total of $2500.00 for it and the 360 and 727 tranny. She gave it to me as a retirement gift.

4 years later I think I have a little over $30,000.00 in the car. It would have
been a better decision to buy a turn key for half the cost. The car will never
be sold, so I'm not complaining. It will be passed on to the daughter. When you have to buy as many things as I did, the cost really ads up.

Mopar parts ain't cheap!

Paint and body work was $9000.00 of that total.
Tires were $1000.00 with shipping and extra warranty
The speed shop charges were close to $10,000.00

Then you have seat covers, carpet, heat and noise barrier, new trim,
tail lights, windshield and back glass, etc., etc., etc,

If I had it to do over again....I would probably do the same thing.
Us car guys and girls take pride in our rides and we are really pleased
when we can stand back and say yep, I built that or made this car
come to life again.

I'm coming up on 63 years young in July and this car will let me 18 again
and that is priceless.:-D