Dog owners need to see this

Dan, the topic of this thread was the injustice of putting a dog down because of it's breed. Others chimed in on the bad law or the irresponsibility of the owners. So when your comment is that you "pretty much pellet or slingshot any loose dog or cat I see", you can't understand why that would rub other people the wrong way?

So let's see a dog trotting down the road. You don't recognize him, so you don't know his owner. He's not hurting anyone, and you don't know if his owner was irresponsible, or if just maybe, he got loose when a gardener left the gate open or he dug out from under the fence for the first time. It wouldn't occur to you that maybe the dog is lost or scared. According to your post, you just arbitrarily pick up your pellet gun and shoot him.

And God knows, that cat you see is a menace to society! It also deserves to be shot...

I stand by my comment. You are a moron.