fender badges

That's a bummer. I went through this once. Be careful about pushing body filler back through the hole. It may spall out on the visible side.

What I did was to break off the "lug" of body filler off inside the fender. Then I pushed a stick pin through the hole from the back. I put masking tape over the pin hole and then pushed the pin through the hole from the outside. The masking tape helps minimize paint spall later on.

I then chucked up a drill bit about the size of the pins on the logo. Using the pin hole as a guide, I used the drill at a medium speed from the front. I let the drill bit move around so as not to be cutting metal. Once through the fender, I carefully wiggled the drill around a little to clear the hole of filler. Once satisfied the holes are as good as they're going to be, carefully remove the tape.

Take your time. Hope this helps.