Dog owners need to see this

Exactly, 'spaz.

Don't get me wrong. I love dogs. Grew up with 'em, had them as companions. Try to take my Sassy away and have a fight on your hands.

But, sorry, folks, I can't get truly upset any more when I hear things like this. Is the law stupid? Yup, from a justice stand point it is. The dog pays because of the stupidity of the owners? Maybe it's because of my life experience, that I truly can't grieve for the life of a pet.

No knock on folks here. I've seen the responses to threads about children getting hurt or suffering. But when organizations like PETA or the SPCA are soaking up so much donations that could possibly go to help children I have to shake my head.

Where's the disconnect for someone? Why give so much money to the animal organizations and ignore organizations out there to protect children?

I don't want to start any flaming. I just wonder.

Some people help helpless animals, some people help helpless children, the difference I see between the two is the parents of the children weren't helpless, they are the ones responsible for creating their offspring.

Now I understand not all parentless children were the offspring of irresponsible parents and it's never the childrens fault, but it's not the animals fault either, they are after all animals that don't posess a real thinking and reasoning cerebral cortex like humans are supposed to have.

Starving children and neglected and abused animals will always be with us, as will the poor. Tragedy and suffering are part of the human condition, it won't change. I'm personally glad there are people that will help with children and people that will help with animals. If you can't see why people would help abused or neglected animals then I can only assume you have never experienced the true agape love that a dog or cat can give.