2010 dodge trucks "most american"

Yeah, Ford with the most upstanding of reputations. What with the Firestone blow out which the placed the blame on the customers, the dealerships, and finally Firestone. Then we have the fire starting Windstar pigtail recall, the fire starting wiper motor recall which affected every vehicle made in the line up from 2000-2003. The everything going back to '93 cruise over ride recall, which is a great recall: the override switch still leaks, only replaced on certain vehicles, but the recall puts a fusible link inline with the cruise. Who cares if your master cylinder leaks? The Focus, the most recalled car in history. The rear brake recall on the 500/Freestar/Taurus line, without providing enough parts to perform the recall. The seat back recall on the F250s and bigger, the SRS reflash recall on the Mustang. We can go even further back if you like, with all the recalls involving hood latches from the '70s that they didn't learn from and had the same recall on more modern vehicles from this millennium. But I think you get the picture.

And, of course, we have the statement "Ford is all American." The Escort, the Focus, the Fiesta, (new and old) the Festiva, the Contour, all started life as British platform vehicles.