On my units, if i dont flow 15 GPM i'm not happy. This is from a 450 ft well in the Ozarks. Let me ask this question. Some are saying to put a 2" line from the well to the house BUT if the oriface coming out of the top of the pump is only 1" then it's my understanding that you can only flow as much volume as the smallest size will allow? Correct that Volume and Pressure are two different related issues. Volumn will be contolled by the size of pump. Pressure will be controlled by the switch at the tank. Will the larger pipe from the pump to the house also serve as more holding capacity or reserve or water availability? If so why not put in a 4" PVC sch 40 line? I'm asking and by no means an authority. When you decrease a line size you then create a Venturi. Exactly opposite in the other direction.
Small Block