Look who's back!!... Again... lol

Thanks guys! :) I mean I'm not gonna be done with school. I'll just be an LPN, but I don't plan on stopping until I have my Doctorates and I'm a CRNA putting ppl to sleep.. We'll see tho.. lol You guys never fail to make me feel special upon my return to civilization! :D

MeMike.. Hows that Boxer of yours???!!

I know where you are coming from.My Wife is a RN and is still going to school and working...she's going to be a nurse practitioner.
I have to commend you ladies and gentlemen that can put up with nursing school, it's an unbelievable undertaking and crazy how much work they pile on you.
Wrtiting papers, research, more papers, online classes, in school classes, dealing with political motivated teachers who give bad grades if your political opinion does not match theirs, working on teams with slackers on projects, working at the hospital, doctors office, etc...it never ends.
If my Wife has 15 minutes to herself to let her hair down and relax, it's a major miracle but she is still top of her class and works really hard at it.
One thing I can say is that I learned a heck of alot about nursing just listening to her online video's, helping her study, proofreading her reports, and listening to her stories, usually at the dinner table when it's the only time we can talk, and the subject always kills my appetite especially when she comes home from a 12 hour ER shift.
I told her she should just step up to the plate and become a doctor, but she say's not with the government healthcare scare that is going to force alot of doctors out of the practice making nurse practitioners in much more demand.
Keep it up, I commend you as I know what you are going through.

The dart looks great but definitely can understand why it's on the backburner.