CudaChick (Leanna) needs our help....

Well I got to talk to sister Leanna a couple hours ago, she said Mike I see how hard it is to receive like you have said and it's a blessing to give and feels good to give and fill's my our day's trying to :happy10:
She is at tears trying to except the gifting we are giving her :happy10:
I have been on the receiving end of this kind of thing and it is hard on use:love7:

She is a strong one for sure and always took care of others and her self.
Butt Guess what Leanna :-D it's time that we want to be happy and lend a hand to you :cheers::cheers:
I will say I made over $25 on shooting pool with some young guns tonight :-D
And a pleasant word from the folks here that can't do anything but have the thought and care to see this through is just as good as giving.
It's something that can't be typed out in words I guess, But this one is for you and thank you for all you have dun for the folks here.

I sure am blest to be among the family of this great site.
as we are blest to have you here with us :happy10: