Your opinions on good dog breeds please

I have a boxer and have the time to train him and give him attention they need like any breed, but they are high maintenance and like said before they have hart problems , But I have learned they have spetial needs, Do not feed them anything with wheat as a filler, This could be why they have hart problems and a short life span, most people don't know this.
A dog needs attention and taken out for walks and let them get out of the house and play with them or make them a part of your life.
I have had two boxers in my life and about 5 lab's and one rottie, I say a mixed breed with lab and look very closely in there eyes and touch there feet and see how they accept you.
Witch ever breed you pick out do some U-Tube searching for some training and give him/her a good home and welcome them first thing when you get home and when you leave, They will learn real fast when you are about to leave just by watching you shave and get dress for the day.
Keep us updated so we can see your new life partner that will need you as much as you need him/her...