Your opinions on good dog breeds please

Thanks for everyone's stories and comments I appreciate it. I like reading these and hear y'alls side of the story. As I mentioned I will be in college, but when I go to school its just for class then i'm straight back home usually. I don't go out partying and everything so I'm pretty sure I have a good commitment to owning one. I have a blue heeler back at home (9 yrs old) so this wouldn't be new to me.

I am living in an apartment, but the dog will be over at my gf's house basically 24/7 anyway unless she is out of town. It will be a full size house with a nice back yard, she owns a warlock dobbie ( little over a year old) so I think it would like to have a nice play pal as well.

The local shelter here in my college town (which I have volunteered at before) has new dogs coming in everyday, lots of full breeds as well. Like someone mentioned they do have a play room for puppies and they have an outside area to play with full sized dogs. This shelter is one that WILL NOT adopt out pit bulls and chows, for fear people will use them in wrong reasons. so i would have to buy one from a breeder or something.