CudaChick (Leanna) needs our help....

Leanna, you know what I think about you! First off, the $50 gift certificate that I won on the auction for bruce...cancel it, and keep the $50! Second, I will be hitting paypal for another $50 on Tuesday. Third, if you are up to going to the Mopar Nationals in Ohio in August, I will share my double space vender spot with you for PSC. I bet folks will kick in a few bucks for your travel and lodging expenses, and hopefully, you will get some National Exposure on your way to that "World Famous" status I dubbed you with earlier this week. When I joined this club, yours was one of the first posts I read (don't remember which one now, there have been a lot) and it had a big part of my decision to join. I haven't regretted it since, quite the opposite, I might add.

Thank you for being you, and thank you for letting us be us at this moment!

aka David Petitt in Alabama!!!!