CudaChick (Leanna) needs our help....

It is really cool to see alot of members helping Leanna out of a jam. She's an asset to the to the membership. She is one cool chick that works real hard in what she does in making our parts we send her look awsome after she's done with her magic.
What I like most is I am still looking for the correct air filter element for my Tri-Power air cleaner,and just when I about to give up my search, this morning she sends me an email of a link to a 6-pak style air filter. Even thou it wasn't the correct filter I need, but it is the fact that she sees one and remembers I need one.
Thanks for helping to keep a eye out for me Leanna!


P.S. You deserve our help!

It's no problem at all John ... would've been great if it was the right one. You know I'm always happy to help if I can though.

And I hope everybody's arm is sore from patting yourselves on the back. If there was a reason to deserve it, this thread is all the explanation needed. I'm still amazed at the outpouring and know there's no way possible that any of this could ever be repaid on my part.
But I'll see what I can do. :love7: