Much Needed Topless 41 Yr Old Cosmetic Surgery

So its been a while since I have posted anything. Between renos on the house(new eavestrough, fascia, new breaker panel in the house) and oh yeah power in the garage I havent had much time for the car. Still lots of wiring to do in the garage, but I got the panel in and lights are up. I took pics of the trench to the garage I had to make and the machine I rented. Let me tell you its the best $50 I spent renting that!! I finally got the rearend back together after sandblasting the housing in my hillbilly sandblast cabinet(homemade sandbox and medium duty poly) and great advice from members here. My dad has given me his compressor that he wasnt using, so hopefully that will make the sandblasting a little easier. I bought all new brakes, hardware and drums and was hoping to put the brakes on today, but after checking the drums they are the wrong ones. I thought I would put the shoes etc on and just blast my old ones and give them a coat of paint. Especially after finding out that new drums are $115 each!! I had to JB weld one of my backing plates too as it had a small split in it. Well I just was getting comfy getting ready to sit on my favorite milk crate and realized I hadnt ordered emergency cables!! Man I can be so disorganized. Drums I bought almost 2 months ago that I should have checked right away are wrong and now I wait for emerg cables. Oh well the slower I go maybe that means the slower I go in debt. Here are some pics of the progress, I made on the rearend. Hopefully post more pics this week after I go to the shop to see how they are making out. I took pics of the drums, I have no idea what they are for and neither did the guy I returned them too LOL.

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