I,m not cheap i,m broke

If your meaning is that some times you feel you are not "welcome" here, count me in.

I'm with u on that I feel that way all the time !!!

Well, your both welcome here.

I feel the need to respond here.

Your post about people not paying for work they wanted snowballed out of control overnight to 3 pages by that night. Crazy! It is the worst having these parts sitting and collecting dust while there owners act like there in storage...and forgotten.

PETE (D/D) and everybody else, I'm with you on donations. I make the money to stay afloat, but sometimes the way it comes in, is not so steady and I feel like another hole just popped throught the haul. (Starting up another bildge pump! LOL!)

LeAnna and I shared the same stories the other night about this bannana roller coaster.

We all have the sob stories to run right along with others here. So for many of us, giving is out. The best I can do is listen, give moral support and perhaps, suggest or point out something on something I know to make it better is all I can do.

I'm going to feel like a heel bad enuff later when the hat gets passed around for a co-worker/freind that lost his entire left arm to a 4inch fire works mortor. (They could not re-attach the arm ethier, to badly damaged. The cheery on top of this disater is his Dad had a heart attack apon hearing the news. just wonderful huh?)

I'll do what I can if I can. But that's it. I can't even afford the to gas up the truck to see him.

Dontae if ya can. Otherwise, don't. Never feel guilty or let anyone make you feel bad about not doing so. IF there so freakin rich, tell'em make a donation of triple the amount they did in your name without re-payment for the gift. Screw them.

Then again, no one here is that screwed up. If they are,:angry7: please make a donation to, "Bigger boobies for everyone.com" in the amount of 1 millllllllllllllion dollors in my screen name. Thank you.