I,m not cheap i,m broke

Well, regarding the giving to charity thing.....I attend church very regularly. I'm on the trustees committe, the administrative council, I sing in the choir, I visit our shut ins and help our elderly. I drive the church van when we go places. I am in charge of all of our phone tree communications. (google phone tree). I am in charge of programming our lighted animated sign out front. I am in charge of getting maintainance done around the church, parsonage and the three rental properties we own next door. My wife and I are also youth directors. We do all these things on a volunteer basis. I also give to the collection plate WHEN I CAN. Lots of times we cannot, but we still give our time and service to God. But you know what? Other than church, I give to NO other charity whatsoever. None, nada, zilch. I figure we do enough at our church for charity and others. Pick your charity and donate if you want. If you don't want to, don't. We're not broke....even though I say it a lot. In fact, I think we're quite rich. We're rich in the things that COUNT. We have uncountable blessings from God. We are saved by his grace through our faith in Jesus Christ. Not trying to preach here......this is just OUR lives. I hold nothing against anyone who lives differently, or think I'm better than anyone else. Faith is a huge part of who WE are and I cannot post on a subject like this without saying it. Just remember, there's really no deadline on building a car. As long as you make your decisions on how you plan to build based on how you can AFFORD to build, you'll be ok.