I,m not cheap i,m broke

I wish I had the word's this morning for all that has been brought up.
I don't want DD to feel the way he does...
Small Block has brought many great days to my life and all the members here.
I do what I can a little at a time to Victoria and share my days here with everyone.:happy10:
Not just a few members but to all member's 8) I have been on the receiving end and I will always show my appreciation when I can in any way I can.
I am not a rich man and never have been money wise, it's the fellowship and being able to be involved in something other then being a father or grandfather and a husband
Life is to short to complain about anything "harder said than dun" But as I wake in the mornings it's a new day and some time a new way to get something out of life..:happy10:
I have had Victoria two years and do my very best to do what my cash flow allows me and when all the folks here see I am keeping everyone updated on my life it makes my day even better... No vacations here:happy10: and no nice home and shop to enjoy:-D, But I do have my friends and family here that make the way I liv easy to wake up and get my brain moving Pete. I am sure I speak for everyone that I have never looked at any member harshly and made judgment on them for not jumping in on the help threads, But it's easy for me to drop $5 to $25 dolors at times because it's just the way I live, less is more in some way's DD, I hope I have made myself clear that I am not rich just rich in friends and family here :happy10:.
I look at ol Tony F, and Small Block :-Dand watch them move around and work like they was 25 years old :cheers:and it eat's at me some time's, But it's the way it is, so I take the good and the bad in life and do my best to keep a chin up and do what I can.
And let me say this!! It is harder to receive then give.. I know how Leanna must have felt when she seen what has happened to here here, It was very hard on her and Billy to except the support the folks here jumped in and dun for them, I told her on the phone to NOT denie us the pleasure of making things a bit easier on here and ask them to drop her's and Billies pride so we can get the enjoyment of knowing we gave them a small cushion..

I belong to the fabo site and if there is a click of folks here, It's news to me DD.
Your Arkansas friend Mike.