Flo from Progressive ins. who thinks?

There needs to be a Adults only forum where everyone can say what they want to each other and get it out. Make it like the Polotics forum where you have to sign up... Whether it be dirty jokes or what ever it could be a place for the young and overly testosterone filled ego's to reside. If you dont want to see that, then dont sign up for it And since you asked for it, you cant complain about what is in there.

Every car guy I know likes to run thier mouth from time to time. Or likes a good dirty joke. But most of all we all like to voice our opinion and express ourselves.

If you subscribe and support the forum I THINK the blue room/forum allows that kind of thing? I don't know.

Either way, the rest of the forum is supposed to be a family atmosphere. If you wouldn't let your 10 year old son/daughter or sister/brother read it than it probably shouldn't be posted.

I don't think at 18 years of age I should have to tell people how to behave... but then again, we all know how manners are becoming a thing of the past. :angry7: