Flo from Progressive ins. who thinks?

Then we have a few smilies that need to be deleted. Like: :thebirdm: , :bootysha: and:finga:. This could be :argue:'d to death. To many threads get turned into this kind of debate. They just waste server space. I am guilty myself of perpetuating the problem also on this one.....

The guy just wanted to know if anybody thought Flo was hot......then it evolved into this.

I knew how everyone else should behave when I was 18 too. Dont get booty hurt, Im not giving you the :thebirdm:. Im just sayin'... I dont think that anything said here could be worse than anything a 10 year old could hear at school on any given day. I raise a 10 and a 12 year old. Believe me, they hear some of the most crude things.

The young folks with the smart comments and inapropriate behavior are the current and future supporters of the hobbie. After all that is what we are all here for. Right?

I am aware the young members are the future of the hobby, I am one... but I have learned to watch what I say and be SMART as well as young... it seems as though being smart is overlooked a lot of the time. I'm not saying that I have never let something slip out of my mouth, but I am usually careful with what I say. I was raised with manners, which is probably why I already have a career laid in front of me working with guys that have been in the business for 30-40 years.

If the future "supporters" of the hobby want to earn any respect from those that are keeping it alive right now, aka, the older members, then they better learn what it means to act mature enough to be accepted by an older crowd.

I'm not going to let new members, new YOUNG members on this forum make me look bad.

Anyway, agree or disagree, I have said what I need to say.

Now lets go build something 8)