Just got off the phone with Memike

Hey 55, did you get his autograph too because he's sort of a celebrity nowadays. Just don't let the fame go to your head Mike and start charging for your sig.
:happy10::happy10::happy10::happy10: Not me ever DartSportGreg :happy10: All I know is how to be me memike 8) I was never taught how to put on hot air and was told long ago to be myself... That's why I am so good some times, because I will always be me, You did make me laugh out loud :happy10:
I sure do enjoy having yall here and all the great things that has came into my life sense I learned about this computer thing and came here looking for parts for my ol 63 signet Valiant I had years ago. Yall are so good for my hart and mind 8), I will fall asleep with a grin on tonight :happy10: