IT guys, please help. Somehow I cought a virus

What everyone has said is pretty much correct Jeremy. The malware has been known to come from a lot of social networking sites... like Facebook.
It will reset the proxy settings as they said. Just get in and "uncheck" that. you should be able to access IE again after that. Get someone with a clean machine to download Malwarebytes from C-net onto a jump drive. Pull your internet off. Use the jump drive and load the Malwarebytes onto your system and let it run. It should take care of most if not all your problems. Sometimes though... the program rewrites some registry so when you go to look up a site like FABO it will bring up Geico or something else.... thats when it gets tougher. Hopefully you wont have this prob. This is the most common of the malwares out there right now. It has infected thousands. Once up and running, go into C-net and download the free version of AVG. Run both Malwarebytes and AVG once a week if your on the net a lot. Also before you run them make sure to check them to see if they have updates (which you will find in each of their programs) Its not a sure thing that it will keep it from coming back, but its good medicine for preventing. Oh.. and stay off **** sites.