273 Freshen...pic


The new seats aren't in yet and that's just a start on the chambers.The heads have to be surfaced and the chamber edge will be right up to the new intake seat so there will be no step or ruff edges in the finished chamber.The heads are far from finished...I took them to what I would call 80%...I will post the finished pictures of everything...the difference from what you see now to when I'm 100% finished will be signifacant...

I've known Vic for ever...and the stories that we CAN'T tell are many and those that we can would be presumed to be BS...

How about someone we knew who cut a perfectly good factory 383 Dart in half so he could store it in his mom's garage...:shock:

Are you serious Rob? Tell me this was in the early 70's and the guy was just partying too much and lost his mind for the moment. The thought of that hurts!