High school Ride pics....

Here's a pic from my first motor swap at sixteen years old. Accomplished with a tool set that consisted of a $4.00 Buffalo brand socket set (purchased at Osco drug store) and 5 craftsman wrenches 3/8 thru 5/8 ...

And it went down somethin' like this....
383 out of the Cuda... 440 in. Then 440 out ? 440 back in ? Then 440 Out, then 440 Back In ? WTF?? 440 OUT...THEN 440 BACK IN ? ...??WTF??

This **** went on for about 10 hours straight until about 6 a.m. the next morning when I woke up my old man for a technical assist . When I finally get him out there I'm like..."Pops"... "I can't get the back of the Freakin motor to bolt all the way up to the trans ...WTF is goin' on here " ?

So he says ..."pull the motor one more time... then come and get me when ya' got it out ".
At this point it doesn't take me long to pull the motor because after doing it fifteen F##king times... I am now an expert at doing motor swaps !

When I'm finished he comes back out jumps into the engine compartment and like a professional safe cracker he grabs the torque converter and goes clock-wise 1 revolution...counter-clockwise 1/2 a revolution and finishes with about 60 degrees clock-wise and "CLUNK" now the converter is seated ALL the way into the trans !!!
Boy was I glad that was finally Over !!!
"Thanks Dad"... I couldn't have done it without ya' !

By the way the picture is from the first pull....but eventually I had to use the Cherry picker ....Man those Big Blocks are some heavy-*** engines !!!

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