So what prompted you to choose your user name?'s along story and i won't bore you with the details.
Back in the early '80s, i had a '71 Demon and i was looking for parts, and i didn't like the prices that the junkyards were charging. I ended up cruising the alleys and finding cars whole for cheap. I have 20 acres of land and decided to bring them home and part them out or trade for whatever.
I ended up accumilating a lot of a-bodies and when my friends and i were in the bar one night playing pool, a guy wanted to sell me a car and my friend stood up and said "he'll buy it he's a real Dartnut" so i guess the name stuck with me. I said i would give more than the wreckers for my cars and always have. I also have sold parts/traded for years for less than the wreckers.
I had/have a lot of parts for '69 coronets too, my second love.
Anybody want to buy some parts or project cars for cheap? Or best yet, trade?
Let me know!
I need to thin out the herd a bit.