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We had over 100 Prowlers at the Parade in Breckenridge....
The Mile Hi Members were handing them out, spoiling the on looking kids along the parade route with candy and mini Prowlers... 10 full size Prowlers made it to the Sunny Breckinridge Parade while the weather was BAD in Denver... Denver got dumped on with heavy rain later in the day.. As you can see in this picture when we were lining up to go to Breckenridge that the sky didn't look so good...
But the weather was just super in Breakenridge...
I would like to thank the ones that showed for there support of a Mile Hi Prowler Event... Starting with Grant and Marj, Russell and Cathy, Don and Pat, Jessie, Bennie and Chris. Roland, Carter and Debbie, my son Johnny and his friend Kyle and it was there first time to do a parade, Jordon and his wife Jena, and his kids, Jordon Jr, Joshua, John, Jaxon, and Jori... and me onecatnodog...