old gas/turpentine

Yes old fuel does turn a darker color. It also smells like laquer thinner.
I would be concerned as it sound like you have some other problem as you state the fuel coming from the tank is ok but in the return line it is dark. You also have run a few tanks thru and the problem is still there. Usually after the second tank the problem will clear up. If you are saying the fuel coming from the tank is odd colored always then I would be concerned of the condition of the tank.

I ran the pump with the gas line disconnected and it ran clear gas. I changed the filter again. Now it is running lean right when you pull away and the car stutters a little. It runs fine otherwise.
I read that you can clean the injectors at the fuel rail, but I cannot find a product or company that sells the stuff to the public- its a small tank that you hook to the fuel rail, fill with a cleaner, disconnect the fuel pump, and when the car stops running they are supposed to be clean.