My Non-Mopar $400.00 score...

In High School, my friend had a 403 in his '79 T/A. It was a fast car! High top end too. We buried the needle a few times. :) I don't remember the gears in it, but it was a good car.

on a slightly different note, my Grandma had a Buick Lesabre around that year with a 350 in it. They are nice cars. That car could smoke the tires pretty good too... I mean, Not that I'd know or anything! :) Sorry Grandma!

Oh... I would have bought it too!! I like it!

What Granny don't know won't hurt her, you probably where just getting rid of the carbon build up, lol.

Those wheels are probably worth that alone. Good score.

The wheels should clean up nicely. Needs a new set of tire because of dry rot.

It's a beauty, roomy, comfy and powerful...careful, you'll get spoiled. 8)

exactly right. 8)

Great score! I'd drive the heck out if it!
I plan on it!

Nice ! Round here it would be about ten minutes before it was up on big ole chrome wagon wheels LoL !

Plenty of Vanilla Ice and Snoop Dog's here too.