Hi from Houston

Great to see so many Texans here! And a nod to other states and countries. Thanks for the warm welcome. Cudachick its not powder coat. Most of the black out chrome is a UV resistant one shot satin finish sort of trim paint. I had the chrome stripped at a chroming shop. To be honest I think the paint is a bit weak. I am unsure if it needed a etching primer or if its the left over chrome that is preventing the paint from bonding all the way. It may be that there is not a clear over it so its a bit soft. It has not been a huge problem at all I have just had to touch up a few areas that delimitated. On the plastic grill it worked great! And the finish is super smooth. I'll get some close ups.

One the window trim I went with a base/clear system with some eggshell or flattening agent added. I also used a etching primer. I look the shine off the chrome with ajax then 220 wet sand paper shot the primer and then cleaned it up with 400 wet. Put House of Color black on then the semi-flattened clear. After did 1500 wet then rubbed and polished I was very happy with the look. Looks like black chrome.. However it is a pit brittle now if it gets a rock ding it will take out a chunk.

What a paint in the ***!!

I painted the bering cups on the front Craigers with a good rattel can satin black it has some etching properties. Used the same method to put tooth on the chrome as I did on the window trim. I did not want to have to much mill. built up on those parts. It has held up very well.

Well thats my once upon a time story. She is my day driver but does not see too much use as I drive a company truck (a bowtie) most of the time.

Thanks for the kind words I will be sure to let her know when we go get grocies this after noon that she was a hit. MOPAR to YA!!
