Trunk Paint

I have completed the stripping and priming of the passenger compartment and am ready to start on the trunk area. I have pressure washed the trunk with a degreaser. I intend to wire wheel the whole works and media blast the areas where there is surface rust. What do I do to clean the drop off areas so that I can (epoxy) paint? My initial plan was to clean as best I can the areas that I can reach with a scratch pad, squirt it and hope for the best.

What has worked for you guys? Thanks.


The turned down areas from outer wheel lip down to the rear quater are nearly impossible to clean or paint. You can flush it out with soap and water , then let it dry and blow it out good with comressed air too.
Finally you can put a rust converter like One Step or Neutral-Rust in a trigger spray bottle to apply in all those unseen areas. Or a small sponge on a long handle will work. The pump spray works great on the rearward underside of the trunk lid. I'll climb in the trunk and lower the lid when nessesary.
Anything you do will be better than what the factory id in some unseen places, which was nothing. have fun.