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  1. Kelsey Dana

    WANTED: 69 Valiant Grille

    I just received the grille from greg and its FREAKIN SWEET! I need to find the charger to my camera to take some pics, but I just wanted to say how awsome everyone at FABO is. There's nowhere else where someone you've never even met before wants to send you free car parts. :cheers:
  2. Kelsey Dana

    Wrecked Mopar cars by members

    Luckily God was with me when this happened, so the Scamp came out untouched and I wasn't hurt at all other than racing bloodpressure right after the incident. I was on the entrance ramp to the freeway and a white Ford Explorer in front of me was goin ~45 mph to get on the freeway and it...
  3. Kelsey Dana

    WANTED: 69 Valiant Grille

    Tom, I don't need the emblem, so I'll just send it to you :-D Greg, could you calculate shipping for me to 99352?
  4. Kelsey Dana

    WANTED: 69 Valiant Grille

    Thank you so much greg! I'm hoping you'll be able to post pics soon. Do you have the headlight bezels?
  5. Kelsey Dana

    I think I might do it

    Sounds like a great idea to me! I'd be interested in buying some Scamp stickers when you start up :) Not to poop on your parade, but I would double check with the usage and copyright laws Ma Mopar might have on model names and logos. It would be a bummer to start up it up and the first...
  6. Kelsey Dana

    WANTED: 69 Valiant Grille

    Shameless bump... Still in need of the grille, hoping to get a lot of work done on my car this week (spring break) before she goes back to being a daily driver to school. Anyone want to help a young gun out?
  7. Kelsey Dana

    Weird thoughts of the day.

    *Disclaimer: Not trying to piss people off, just trying to answer some questions and being some ideas to the table The Lord chooses to reveal only the things to you that you need to know. Obviously, you've read things in the Bible that seemed like riddles, but have you ever read anything in any...
  8. Kelsey Dana

    Wives/Girlfriends = Car Women

    My boyfriend will help me by passing tools or unscrewing things that are too tight for me even though he completely hates my car, and its salt in the wound to him that its a Plymouth and not a Dodge. He's willing to help though, and promised he'd buy me lots of parts and a charger to restore for...
  9. Kelsey Dana

    1974 Plymouth Scamp (#2)

    I had some major problems with lights on my 72 scamp too, when i replaced my rear bumper, the bulbs just decided to quit working when i put them back in: threads were lined up and everything. I ended up just having to take the bulbs out and putting them back in then out and back in over and over...
  10. Kelsey Dana

    WANTED: 69 Valiant Grille

    still looking for the grille; doesn't have to be in perfect condition, its going on my daily driver...
  11. Kelsey Dana

    WANTED: 69 Valiant Grille

    I'm in need of a 69 valiant grille, please PM me with info or any leads. I'm in eastern Washington. TIA!
  12. Kelsey Dana

    Saddest day of my life

    Please accept my condolences, and know that your dad is in a better place.
  13. Kelsey Dana


    David, I really love this idea, like you said it gives the doners an idea of exactly what the Young Guns need to finish their project, instead of having to guess and go when it comes to donations. Let me know who to send my list to if we decide to go ahead with that, I have a few parts I've been...
  14. Kelsey Dana

    A-Body Sighting Thread

    I hope there isn't a thread already like this on FABO that I'm copying, but i thought it would be neat if we posted sightings of A-Bodies. I know I've seen quite a few parked and on the road, and who knows, maybe some are members' cars! Anyway, heres the first sighting to kick it off :cheers...
  15. Kelsey Dana

    A classic car wrecking yard. dial up beware!!!

    I'd definately be interested, I'm located in eastern Washington, in the Tri-Cities. I have all of next month off of school, and to tell you the truth I wouldn't mind skipping just to see some of these cars. Shoot me a PM when you decide on the date.
  16. Kelsey Dana

    Got A New One!

    It looks GREAT!! You'll have a blast with it!
  17. Kelsey Dana

    Engine Color choices

    definately orange
  18. Kelsey Dana

    my new license plate came today..

    Good song too C:
  19. Kelsey Dana

    I need a name

    i was talking to a guy that had a 4-door valiant at a show one time and he named it the 2-Bad becuase everytime he told them what he drove they would ask, "Two door?" and he would answer no, so they'd say, "Aww, too bad." Do not name it the Crimson Tide. I don't think the ladies would like it...
  20. Kelsey Dana


    Personally I think that: a) The prizes should be split up, to maitain intrest in the drawing and share the wealth with all young guns (and there'd be better chances so after the winneris pickedthe others wouldn't be so bummed that they missed out on it. I'm not going to be proud here; if it...
  21. Kelsey Dana

    Music that makes the drive

    I've really gotten into this song recently: I know he's a weirdo, but the song fits so well right now, lol good song for high idling problems, lol...
  22. Kelsey Dana

    Thank-you to our WWII/Korean/Vietnam Vets..

    Thanks grassy for posting that! My boyfriend is enlisting into the Army Rangers this February, and its reasurring to know that what our brave men and women have done for us will always be remembered. To all US veterans and those currently serving THANK...
  23. Kelsey Dana

    Car is going to be in Mopar Muscle!

    Congratulations man, you deserve it!!!!!!!!!!!!! Your duster's going to look so sweet with the pistol grip, post pictures when you instal it!
  24. Kelsey Dana

    FM3 Pink Duster

    nope, I think it ended in spring of '71. From what I remember HIP colors were offered each spring to try and boost sales before the end of the fiscal year. Really though, we're the only ones who'll know :-D I'm painting my '72 Scamp FM3 by March of next year.
  25. Kelsey Dana


    I'm a fellow Eastern Washingtonian, from the Tri-Cities, where are you from Solaytus?
  26. Kelsey Dana


    thanks, Fred, I'll have to sift through and remember which ones I posted. They'll be on your moniter shortly!
  27. Kelsey Dana

    YOUNG GUNS! Sign In and WIN

    yeah, I'm still trying to figure out how I messed that one up. Could you see the pics on the photobucket link?
  28. Kelsey Dana


    hey I just posted to the young gun thread, but I'm having issues with my pictures showing up. Could anyone help me troubleshoot, please please please?
  29. Kelsey Dana

    YOUNG GUNS! Sign In and WIN

    ...grime off the windows (the good thing about that is the grime saved the interior from being eaten alive by the sun) and vacuuming up the spiders (I *still* find dead spiders in there...) and mouse turds it had collected while it was sitting. The first thing I had to do was collect parts for...