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  1. jeffnmo

    Tv clown damages classic cars and gets fired

    Severely beaten then shot,The guy is an f'n Moron who will never know wrong from right. Jeff
  2. jeffnmo

    Nick's Garage finishes Kowalski Challenger

    Watch Nick's all the time, like it but he can Get a little to talkative some times! The Challenger is Awesome. Jeff
  3. jeffnmo

    Deal of the decade, or scam? approximately $10K-$20K off

    We should start a thread on the many ways to torture and eliminate scammers! Jeff
  4. jeffnmo

    Spinal Cord Stimulator

    Doug, the best I can tell you is I have been taking these Meds for years, it started with mild and as time went by they got stronger and stronger, the mild ones were easy to stop, but then I was put on 100 micrograms of Fentynol every three days for almost three years with other drugs, when I...
  5. jeffnmo

    Spinal Cord Stimulator

    Thanks Rusty, that means a lot to me. By the way I like your'e, You can't bolt on skill. Awesome! Jeff
  6. jeffnmo

    Spinal Cord Stimulator

    I have, I had the Stimulator put in on July 30 2019, the best move I've made. I was in a car accident in the late 80's, and have been in pain like you for far to many years, I've taken all the drugs, had all the shots, some worked for awhile some didn't and surgery was not an option for me, when...
  7. jeffnmo

    A body close-up picture thread!

    Thank You very much. Wow, I bet it is very durable too. Jeff
  8. jeffnmo

    A body close-up picture thread!

    abodyjoe, the paint on that Motor is really nice. Paint gun? what kind of paint? Thanks Jeff.
  9. jeffnmo

    Any carp fisherman here?

    Damn that brings back memories, was brought up in Wisconsin and used to spear them on and around Big Musekgo Lake when we were kids. Used to give them to some Old timers and they would smoke em' I didn't care for them very much! Jeff
  10. jeffnmo

    Well fu@# me

    Hey Doug, it is an Innova model ITM4800. Not sure how to post a link! Jeff
  11. jeffnmo

    Well fu@# me

    If you would be interested in an inversion table I will send you mine for free. If you want it I will post a photo, It's a pretty nice one. I know what back pain is and how it can ruin a persons life, now that I'm doing better it's hard to believe I lived all them years being miserable. The one...
  12. jeffnmo

    Well fu@# me

    Inkjunkie, if you would like to, PM me and I can do my best to tell you how the whole procedure went for me. Jeff
  13. jeffnmo

    Well fu@# me

    I had the Spinal Cord Stimulator put in my back for over a month now, that SumBitch works good. I have almost weaned myself off the Morphine and Oxy's along with all the other meds, I was in pain since the 80's. I'm a new Man! And yes you do try it for a week taped to your'e back, Do it, you...
  14. jeffnmo

    Average age of fabo. Fall 2019

    I joined in 2010, have owned nothing but Mopars all my life, I'm 61 and since my back repair I'm going strong! Jeff
  15. jeffnmo

    Drag Week (Atco 9-11-19) pictures..

    Awesome abodyjoe. Looked like a couple of cars from this site. Thanks. Jeff
  16. jeffnmo

    This is the number one song in the country.

    I just can't say the word, MORONS enough. The world is over loaded with them. Jeff
  17. jeffnmo

    Anyone know 72bluNblu?

    I don't know him but he is one of guys on here that seems to know his ****. Jeff
  18. jeffnmo

    9/11 - Never Forget, Never Forgive

    I love the U.S.of A, don't care for how it's being run or most of the general population turning into compete Morons but thats a story for another day. I was lying on the couch trying to recover from my back going out when I seen it on T.V. I couldn't figure out what was happening, it was so...
  19. jeffnmo

    California Will Dissect Kevin Hart's Hellcat-Powered Barracuda to Shape Future Laws

    When are these MORON politicians going to realize, It's the MORON people not the inanimate objects they control, damn this pisses me off, just like gun control. Instead of properly punishing the criminals, lets just take everything away from good folks who obey the law. We don't need baby...
  20. jeffnmo

    Kitty Shoulder Update

    I'm very happy for you RRR, I sure wish my sweetheart had the get up and go that your'e Kitty does, you are a lucky man. I wish you two all the best. Jeff
  21. jeffnmo

    Do We Always Use Our Turn Signal?

    Always. Jeff
  22. jeffnmo

    Kevin Hart crash

    AJ/FormS, Is their even a Bar to raise anymore, I thought they did away with that long ago. Take a look around! Jeff
  23. jeffnmo

    Kevin Hart crash

    Gotten better? don't think so. Go on YouTube and put in California homeless! Jeff
  24. jeffnmo

    Kevin Hart crash

    He's just another Hollywood Moron, more money than brains. Jeff
  25. jeffnmo

    Need some help, opinions.

    Nothing taken the wrong way at all. If her family will not step up, I won't leave her, I could never do that. Jeff
  26. jeffnmo

    Need some help, opinions.

    You Guys are some great people, Thank You. Mo will get through this and so will I, Don't know how right now, but we will. Jeff
  27. jeffnmo

    Need some help, opinions.

    I did not mention it, I should have. I have talked to the proper people and they say that this does happen, Mo is on anti depression meds and other meds, She says she is not depressed, she doesn't care. Now Mo can do some things, make a sandwich and get drinks, snacks but never puts anything...
  28. jeffnmo

    Un-earthed a ‘67 Barracuda... video walk-around.

    Rock on my friend, save that cuda and make it Awesome again. Jeff
  29. jeffnmo

    Need some help, opinions.

    ...and on, after a year I tried my best to get her out of her chair and exercise, it didn't go so well and 6 months ago she stated telling me to get f**ked, I hate you, wish I never met you and get out, quit nagging me and every thing under the sun. She said I can do every thing while she just...
  30. jeffnmo

    RIP Jessie Combs

    Damn, used to see her on OverHaulin', didn't know she was into the land speed thing, Too sad. Rest In Peace Jessi. Jeff