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  1. 67Dart273

    Installed a new winch on my old trailer today

    I hope the drum/ cross ties have enough clearance. I have an HF, forget what rating. You have to watch and level wind it like a hawk or the wire will pile up and bind in the cross ties. I have mine on a 2" receiver mount, and THAT is mighty handy at times. I was going to build...
  2. 67Dart273

    Lets hear your suggestions for a winch for a car trailer.

    A lot of this may be battery/ cables, and there is always "double line" it Biggest complaint I have about my HF 2500? 2800? is that the winch drum is NOT large enough, and the drum cross ties cause the wire to bind if you do not CAREFULLY monitor it to "level wind"
  3. 67Dart273

    Lets hear your suggestions for a winch for a car trailer.

    I've probably posted this but I spent YEARS, actually DECADES, "leapfrogging" two come-a-longs. They come with slip hooks which are useless. I replace those with grab hooks, and try to convert them so I can "select" whether double or single line. When loading on the trailer, or...
  4. 67Dart273

    Phase converter going in

    RT one thing you might consider, is simply using a smaller, typical 1 1/2-3hp single phase compressor for some of the smaller jobs. It would likely be more efficient overall. I did not realize it was a screw, which I would guess would lighten the starting load considerably.
  5. 67Dart273

    Phase converter going in

    Many of those types of motors are dual voltage, AKA can be rewired. Check the nameplate
  6. 67Dart273

    Phase converter going in

    You are out of my league, (I think I said that wrong, LOL) HP wise, on this one. But I agree with the others as to capacity concerns. All phase converters that are motor driven are quite inefficient. There is a LOT of losses. Also, high HP 3 phase motors have very different...
  7. 67Dart273

    China tach doesnt work

    "I ain't there", obviously, but I'd think this is a trigger issue. First thing is, I would ramp the v/ cm setting WAY up towards the higher voltage end. There is a high voltage spike in that wave form and you may be over-driving the input. Then play with sync/ trigger. You may do...
  8. 67Dart273

    China tach doesnt work

    Well, anyway LOL 'S how we learn ---sometimes
  9. 67Dart273

    China tach doesnt work

    Doubt it is that critical. Too bad you don't have a diagram
  10. 67Dart273

    China tach doesnt work

    Might be this That center terminal is the collector Info on the larger chip, HT1621B I am unable to read the smaller chip
  11. 67Dart273


    One problem is, tools change. Sears may change manufacturers. I've got some Sears phillips heads that are fairly recent and they don't fit the screws worth a ****. Now, I've been using Phillips a LONG time. Since I was a kid. My Dad got ahold of me early and explained Phillips...
  12. 67Dart273

    Make Your Own Paint Spray Bottle

    The first time I saw one of those was in the mid 70's. I went to work at my Dad's parts store, and we sold automotive paint, "Acme." He always had a couple of those in stock, and we sold a few, here and there
  13. 67Dart273

    Wax Wire

    Never heard of wax wire A quick search shows something by that name used in jewelry
  14. 67Dart273

    Lower Control arm Tools

    Do you have ANY IDEA how expensive a tap like that costs???
  15. 67Dart273


    It would not be 70 per hour. Think about that. Your 55 gal drum will be gone in less than an hour. More like .7/hour If you can, you should consider no1 for an outdoor tank. Is the burner double lines? Suction plus return? That would help some with an OD tank to keep things flowing.
  16. 67Dart273

    A better way? to keep RTV usable.

    THAT is certainly interesting. ALL these manufacturers, IE Permatex, Locktite, etc, could do a LOT BETTER giving us actually usable details about how their products perform under certain jobs
  17. 67Dart273

    craftsman drill press run out

    I don't know why I didn't suggest that. I have a Jet drill mill. It has a taper that accepts collets, and then an adapter shaft for the chuck. Collets are much more true than the chuck. In looking back, even though I don't use it much, MAN am I glad I bought it (used)...
  18. 67Dart273

    A better way? to keep RTV usable.

    Just the other day I came across an otherwise brand new tube that had a small amount used ONCE. The cap was put on perfectly. I simply do not understand why the cap does not seal, if sealing is the problem. Got the cap off and had to punch and work an awl deep inside before I hit...
  19. 67Dart273


    EXHAUST FAN makeup air: Regardless of your furnace condition, in the winter you would be pulling OUTSIDE air into the building (and should at least have a door/ damper/ window for that purpose). Larger / better shops would have a DUCT FURNACE, in other words a furnace right in...
  20. 67Dart273


    The whole deal is, an exhaust fan (WHICH SHOULD have "makeup air" from the outside)---will cause a vacuum in that space. Your burner is combustion air into the combustion chamber through the burner---up through the stack and draft regulator--to the chimney device. You are pulling a...
  21. 67Dart273

    Sand Blaster Guns

    ^^Why can't you fix it?^^ I haven't looked at them, clean it out and RTV? Add patch sheet metal/ flashing to the outside? The biggest problem I've found with most blasters is FEED. The medial is either humid or whatever, chokes up in the feed hose
  22. 67Dart273


    Has the OP been back ONCE since this thread was posted? He/ she did not even thank or agree with any of the posts
  23. 67Dart273

    Plasma Cutter Torch Tubing ??

    Very good!!
  24. 67Dart273


    AND I have forgotten. Aren't the wheels different for flux vs solid wire? Check destructions, make sure of the setup and parts use.
  25. 67Dart273


    ALSO is that machine dual voltage? If so you may be over running the 120V limits, if you are on 120V . AND you might get a meter and attempt to check the 240V voltage under load, AKA while laying a bead. Easier with two people. Maybe your power wire is too small and or too long.
  26. 67Dart273


  27. 67Dart273


    You should not be using straight argon. Normally you use an argon/ CO2 mix. I don't do much if any really light sheet metal. I use straight CO2, the same stuff that is used for a cok/ pepsi machine. It is cheap and liquid in the bottle, and lasts a long time. CO2 allegedly gives you...
  28. 67Dart273

    Dammitt RaY , again !!

    Good luck. I hope it isn't State ******* Farm
  29. 67Dart273

    Plasma Cutter Torch Tubing ??

    All the tube is for is air. Had the cable been mashed, squashed, or crimped, perhaps in cold weather. Being out of the sunlight and weather, I would not think that stuff would fail like that. Perhaps it had a weak point.
  30. 67Dart273

    Looking for an Assembly Manual

    There are a couple of FACTORY manuals that you may be able to dig up. 1...The factory/ dealer parts manual. You can download some of them free, from If not you can find some originals here and there, ebay, etc, and you can find reprints. Search 2...The elusive factory...