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  1. PA Dodger

    If you’ve never checked out this overlook in Pa you should

    Kinzua Bridge, very scenic part of the state. God bless her and the person taking the pic 'cause that's a looong way up or down to get there!
  2. PA Dodger

    Face sitting.....

    Dog version of Dutch Oven???
  3. PA Dodger

    McDonald’s makes you happy to be hungry

    Nah, definitely a burger, or maybe cheese. McMuffins come from the front.
  4. PA Dodger

    McDonald’s makes you happy to be hungry

    I got you honey! I'm hand making your vegan burger right now.
  5. PA Dodger

    Add Your Own Caption Part 364

    Graceland Gardens Trailer Park Legend Dwayne "The Stud" Gilroy at yer service. I do the grounds maintenance and keep the honeys smilin'.
  6. PA Dodger

    Add Your Own Caption Part 361

    JC Whitney DIY woodgrain installation, check!
  7. PA Dodger

    Add Your Own Caption Part 360

    Well, I don't smoke grass, and I don't have money for gas, so......
  8. PA Dodger

    How to keep someone in suspense

    The one from Nantucket?
  9. PA Dodger

    How to keep someone in suspense

    Meanwhile, back at the ranch
  10. PA Dodger

    Add Your Own Caption Part 356

    Aerodynamics meets Fluid dynamics.
  11. PA Dodger

    Early 8 3/4 for sale (not mine)

    I dunno. Maybe its the picture but that gear mesh looks like it might be tight? And who knows what that backlash is. I'll bet its not .008"!
  12. PA Dodger

    When you gotta go you gotta go is a HandiCrapped parking spot.
  13. PA Dodger

    Language cheat sheet if you ever come to Pennsylvania

    Wow, no mention of the Pittsburgh potty? The sacred throne in the basement? The one that saved yinz from having to get all worshed up just to take a leak? Right next to the fridge with all the Arn City beer in it? And yinz were a jagoff if you didn't keep the fridge full!
  14. PA Dodger

    True Story From The Past

    Many moons ago back in the landline era, my grandmother sold lots of tires. She had the same phone number as the local K Mart discount store tire center, except the last two numbers were switched. At first she would politely tell the caller it was a wrong number and gave them the correct number...
  15. PA Dodger

    Wiper brake job video

    It's important to follow the FSM. You are well beyond the service date. All wiper brakes are disc, you definitely don't want fade when you need wipers the most!Also, don't make the same mistake I made, mixed my blinker fluid with my wiper fluid. Ruined the brake pads!
  16. PA Dodger

    Proto type engine

    I hope he does another video when it's finished. I tried them cylinder extenders with the stromboli carbs and couldn't get the turbulence high enough to make any decent horsepower.
  17. PA Dodger

    Ugly cars you have seen in public:

    To the uneducated eye you might not realize that is clearly an amphicar in the middle of post #7. The truck is working on the same principle as the Stealth Bomber. If it has no true shape or color how do you tell other cops to be on the lookout for it?
  18. PA Dodger

    Add Your Own Caption Part 157

    For a big car it sure handles like its on rails. Oh, wait. It is.
  19. PA Dodger

    Not a Joke, But funny IMO's it's older brother. You know you want it! 1957 Chevy wagon 4x4
  20. PA Dodger

    Headlight help

    What kinda light? I put Crackedback's headlight upgrade on my Dart, and now my light is brighter than the old light. I would have to go a lot faster to catch up to the new light I have.:D
  21. PA Dodger

    !!DOH!! It's the POTENTIAL monster as opposed to

    "I have some other stuff I'm willing to throw in, like bows- hand made wood bows,..." Actually they're sticks...and string. But I can potentially see them being awesome and functional bows. Like for Kodiak bear hunting and all.
  22. PA Dodger

    You may find this funny!

    TMM, I'm with you with the hood scoop thing. Old school rules! The Suby scoop looks like a mail slot or something. Demonguy, I'm betting there isn't a " How to Normally Aspirate" forum on the "For Suby Owners Only Forum". :D A properly set up turbo will make you look like a fool in a big hurry.
  23. PA Dodger

    Amazing nature picture - Falcon in Tree

    With real woodgrain too. It's probably got a three on the tree!
  24. PA Dodger

    James Hetfield vs. Sunset Boulevard

    I wasn't aware that Armani had a heavy metal clothes line. Either that or old James is a bag man for the wife/GF. What is the world coming to?
  25. PA Dodger

    Add Your Own Caption Part 60

    Why, yes honey, that cap does say "710" on it. And I'm thinking I better close the hood before you hurt yourself.
  26. PA Dodger

    Add Your Own Caption Part 58

    Linda: " I get it. The huge rack isn't on the car!"
  27. PA Dodger

    This should help a few of you convert to power windows...

    Dammit, I was done with winter projects! Now I need a couple mixers. And come to think of it, I have wipers but no washer bottle or nozzles.
  28. PA Dodger

    Add Your Own Caption Part 54

    I couldn't believe it either! Sold out??? I mean, who sells out of glazed donuts????
  29. PA Dodger

    Talking Dog

    I die laughing every time I see it. That's too much.
  30. PA Dodger

    had to share

    Probably selling because he can't find parts for it. It doesn't show up on the parts guy's computer.