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  1. barbee6043

    Subframe connectors for a driver/cruiser, necessary to weld to floor?

    I have welded in 2 x 3 tubing for frame connectors for years in lots of Mopars and a few Fords. I have never tried to do the thru floors deal as I have to lay on my old back and do it all. I too have no idea what is the strongest way, but what I do sure makes it stout!!! Makes a REAL...
  2. barbee6043

    Does a HD rear spring/shackle hanger exist for a 68 Dart?

    My second HS car was a 64 FordCustom , circa 1965-6( post galaxie cousin) with a 289, it needed a BIG block!!! My fav Galaxies are 65 and 66with a big big block!
  3. barbee6043

    ESPO still selling leaf springs?

    Gang, I better get my order in!!!!!!
  4. barbee6043

    Potential frame rot?

    New England cars! Sorry I am NO help!
  5. barbee6043

    Front Frame Rail Evaluation

    Those TV car show guys that blast a car clean before work. yea it costs $and takes some time..but they have a reason!!! Me, IF I beat the crap out of suspect metal and try to drive a phillips in it, I have an idea! Any area not totally solid and clean when trying to mig will always have...
  6. barbee6043

    Front Frame Rail Evaluation

    Some bad welds??? Suspet thin metal? I give it the hammer and screwdriver tests!! Remember it is hard to get good mig welds with rusty/dirty/thin metal.
  7. barbee6043

    Subframe connectors for a driver/cruiser, necessary to weld to floor?

    Discussing and cussing subframe connectors is like a politician or brain surgeon :poke:recommending a brand of motor oil!!:poke::poke:
  8. barbee6043

    Subframe connectors for a driver/cruiser, necessary to weld to floor?

    A zillion threads on connectors here. Whats wrong with 2 x 4 tubing with a plate on end welded to subframe.
  9. barbee6043

    65 Gasser?

    I checked.. Steve Magnante wrote a book on "how to build the altered wheel base car." Amazon on sale today like $23. He did an early Dart and a Ford something Fairmont? some years ago. If I was serious about a build his info is worth a few $$ I bet.
  10. barbee6043

    65 Gasser?

    Steve Magnante's build on his AWB Dart used to be found on the puter. I do remember he cut and narrowed the front axle but I don't remember what it came off of.
  11. barbee6043

    65 Gasser?

    I have read where the Speedway front axles are not really heavy enough for any real power. Chineezium/
  12. barbee6043

    65 Gasser?

    Magnante built several.
  13. barbee6043

    65 Gasser?

    Find Steve Magnate's vid and write up, step by step for AWB straight axle job.
  14. barbee6043

    Steering gear break in period?

    ^^^^^If it won't steer and/or won't stop...looks like to me the rest is just unimportant "fluff"!
  15. barbee6043

    Steering gear break in period?

    My explaination is short and fuzzy!!!! Please refer to posts # 5 and 6!!!
  16. barbee6043

    Steering gear break in period?

    Wanne be's. It free wheels all the way to one side?? There is a screw on top of the box??????
  17. barbee6043

    suggestions on repairing lower rear shock mounts

    I have cut and welded grade 8 bolt, protecting the threads from spatter. Worked for me.
  18. barbee6043

    Steering wander and Chinese parts?

    Years ago, we all used to think Jap parts were junk. Unless you were not yet conceived? The world is in a serious state of fuckedupiness.
  19. barbee6043

    Stripped threads on upper control arm ball joint socket

    If even in doubt about anything...weld it!
  20. barbee6043

    Alterkation or K1?

    I guess when people ask for opinions... they get opinions.
  21. barbee6043

    Alterkation or K1?

    I vote buy good factory parts and YOU rebuild the factory suspension.
  22. barbee6043

    Subframe connectors for a driver/cruiser, necessary to weld to floor?

    Like said before , buy 2 x 3 x .125 mild steel tube. I have had BB B body 4 speed cars that were twisted and could have used a good set of connectors.
  23. barbee6043


    ^^^^I hate that when it happens!!
  24. barbee6043

    manual steering box cleanout

    I have a 64 Bel with manual steering the PO before the last O must have worked on that box because it sure goes down the road great!! Never had one that tight either.
  25. barbee6043

    Correct paint color for a 1970 Dart 8 3/4 axle assembly

    Not sure if previously mentioned to the OP but a GOOD oven cleaner does real well in cleaning rear ends. I admit I have never lived in the rust belt, but I have restored countless Mopars and never had to blast a rear end to clean and paint one. Also a 3-4 in. wire cup on a right angle...
  26. barbee6043

    Correct paint color for a 1970 Dart 8 3/4 axle assembly

    I have wondered why people can spend so much time trying to determine the exact amount of flattener in black for like this rear end, to make it exactly like came from Mother Mopar, and then shoot the body with b/cc!!!!!! and wet sand an buff that to an inch of it life...
  27. barbee6043

    MOOG products good quality?

    When it comes to suspension, I want to do that job only ONCE!!!! Anyone with half a brain, will pay way more for those GOOD parts not junk with a "warranty"> Problem is finding a good part to buy.
  28. barbee6043

    MOOG products good quality?

    I doubt you can ask Rock what their box states as to country of manu.!! Like said, lot of people buy these kind of parts based on where made and what the box says! Piece by piece if necessary.
  29. barbee6043

    Serious Body Rust Below Driver's Side

    One reason us on here can be pretty down on some projects is simply because we see so many old Mopars taken apart, sit for year, owner gave up decades before, parts in boxes parts lost, then one day they want it sold for $$$$$ and all gone. If a person has the unquestionable desire, anything...
  30. barbee6043

    Serious Body Rust Below Driver's Side

    I still wonder why guys back East will not pay $1000 shipping for a solid Tx car plus a fair price for the project. Not trying to sell anybody anything, so don't ask ,BUT why!???? ^^^^ Like Demnracer says, go for it and save another old mopar, but wow!