Search results for query: *

  1. stansblue72

    What you get for 10 bucks!

    A man was walking down the street when he was approached by a particularly dirty and shabby-looking homeless man who asked him for a couple of dollars for dinner. The man took out his wallet, extracted ten dollars and asked, "If I give you this money, will you buy some beer with it instead?"...
  2. stansblue72

    gun fighter

    Thanks for the laugh Mike:p
  3. stansblue72

    Another blond joke!

    A guy goes to the supermarket and notices a beautiful blond woman wave at him and say hello. He's rather taken aback, because he can't place where he knows her from. So he says, "Do you know me?" To which she replies, "I think you're the father of one of my kids." Now his mind travels back...
  4. stansblue72

    Horses AS*

    What do you call a guy with his hand up a horses *** ?--An Amish mechanic :bootysha:
  5. stansblue72

    Swen and ole strike again !

    Swen calls Ole up one day and askes him come over and help him blow up a stump in his back yard out by the out house. They dig under it and decide that it will take a case of dynomite to do the job. After placing the explosives they put a fuse good for about 45 seconds on it, Ole lites the fuse...
  6. stansblue72

    What was this guy thinking?

    Bet he would be popular in prison!!!:bootysha::bootysha:
  7. stansblue72

    making love at 99 years old

    Good one MeMike!!!!
  8. stansblue72

    Drinks that Show Your Personality

    One Tequila, two Tequila, Three Tequila Floor! I'm with you MeMike I like the gold stuff myself :shaking2: My wife still has her teeth too! :scratch:
  9. stansblue72

    When "oh sh*t" is appropriate

    So thats what up to your *** in alligators means !!!!
  10. stansblue72

    Soap dispenser

    Great joke !!!
  11. stansblue72


    Mom looks in on her 4 year old son taking a bath and sees he is playing with his testecals. He looks up and asks "Mom are these my brains." Mom replies "Not yet" :sign12: