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  • Users: Isaac
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  1. I

    small block chevrolet in a 68 barracuda headers

    Hey you read my mind.Then, we can all get together with our mullets & reineer and watch some wwf & monster jam!! RAWR!!.. lmao
  2. I

    small block chevrolet in a 68 barracuda headers

    And most of us wouldn't do any of that...aside from worrying about COST. I personally would never use a glide.. I like my transmissions to stay together for a full season, not after a few passes. and I darn sure wouldn't use a chevrolet connecting rod.Why would I? Chrysler based connecting rods...
  3. I

    Duster oval track handling + radiator

    haha, I hear you guys.Appreciate the help/replys. I figured google would be the only 'book' i would ever need.But you're right I should get a copy of that mp chassis book you mentioned.It surely would get me headed down the right path. It probably even has specific part #s for oval track stuff I...
  4. I

    Duster oval track handling + radiator

    ...Or what should I be using? Cost isn't an issue unless it really gets out of hand.I'm looking to spend 200-300$.I want to keep this motor sub 190* if possible.In other words, I don't want to EVER worry about cooling. See below for vauge motor specs. on a side note/question, the car will...
  5. I


    Hello. I've come here because I like mopars.Grewup around chrysler products / racecars.Thanks for having me. I'll put some pics up of my current 1970 & 1975 duster projects as soon as i'm able to.As of a few days ago my usb ports have been giving me a fit saying they don't recognize the device...