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  1. homecloned

    7 stages of S.......E.........X

    Hallway sex! hahahahahaha Too funny
  2. homecloned

    More Thanksgiving Humor

    Happy Thanksgiving :cheers:
  3. homecloned

    Pumpkin Pie

    Pumpkin pie is ruined for me. 8)
  4. homecloned

    Self Building Bike

    Good one longarm. :cheers: That was too cool. 8)
  5. homecloned

    You Might Be A Redneck With A Positive Twist.

    Someone sent this to me and I thought I would share. I must be a redneck. :cheers: You might be a redneck if: It never occurred to you to be offended by the phrase, 'One nation, under God.' You might be a redneck if: You've never protested about seeing the 10 Commandments posted in public...
  6. homecloned

    Some new golf terms....

    Good ones Frankie. :cheers:
  7. homecloned

    Things that you can say ONLY at Thanksgiving

    You should show them the other one as well. Don't get in trouble.:toothy7:
  8. homecloned

    some funny stuff

    Good ones daredevil. :supz:
  9. homecloned

    More Thanksgiving Humor

    Just think.......... If the Indians had given the Pilgrims a donkey instead of a turkey, we would all be having a piece of a$$ this Thanksgiving!!.. 2 more weeks untill my favorite holiday. :supz:
  10. homecloned

    Things that you can say ONLY at Thanksgiving

    Glad I could start your day off with a smile. :-D
  11. homecloned

    Things that you can say ONLY at Thanksgiving

    1. Talk about a huge breast! 2. Tying the legs together keeps the inside moist. 3. It's Cool Whip time! 4. If I don't undo my pants, I'll burst! 5. Whew, that's one terrific spread! 6. I'm in the mood for a little dark meat. 7. Are you ready for seconds yet? 8. It's a little dry; do you...
  12. homecloned

    All the awesomeness you can handle for only $49.99 on eBay

    LOL. Im gonna do that to my car. I have a hardware store right up the street...Pah!:toothy7:
  13. homecloned

    how to save money on your Xmas lights this year

    LOL! Thats funny Thanks 6dart9. :cheers:
  14. homecloned

    remember Zappa's yellow snow?

    Very good point. I am guesing it tastes bad. :happy10:
  15. homecloned

    remember Zappa's yellow snow?

    Miller light does tasts like yellow snow. :-D
  16. homecloned


    Meow! :-D
  17. homecloned

    largest snake in the world found dead

    I new that was comming and it still scared the bajebees out of me. :cheers:
  18. homecloned

    French Kiss

    LOL Thanks :-D That's my dark side there. lol
  19. homecloned

    French Kiss

    What is the difference between a French kiss and an Australian kiss? 8) Its the same thing, except one is down under. =P~
  20. homecloned

    Five Pounds Of Fat

    Not a problem Mary. You can show the girls anytime on my threads.8) God bless your friend Brenda and all survivors. My wife had a friend who was diagnosed and decided not seek treatment. It was an ugly sight seeing such a wonderful person succumb to the disease.
  21. homecloned

    Five Pounds Of Fat

    Ohhh Yeahhhh. =P~ :cheers:
  22. homecloned

    Five Pounds Of Fat

    LOL. Good question. 8)
  23. homecloned

    Five Pounds Of Fat

    Please tell us more bud. And we want pics.=P~
  24. homecloned

    Five Pounds Of Fat

    I seriously thought about it, but my better judgement took over. :-D
  25. homecloned

    Five Pounds Of Fat

    How do you get five pounds of fat to look attractive? Put a nipple on it. =P~
  26. homecloned

    Logic suggests...

    Damn logic get me every time too. :-D pun intended.
  27. homecloned

    What's in a Name?

    LOL. Good one. :cheers:
  28. homecloned


    Bruce puts it best.