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  1. TrailBeast

    How To Attach Photos In "Conversation"?

    Yep, only paying members can do that.
  2. TrailBeast

    Who wants the red X back?

    Personally I couldn’t care less, as I have never used the red X. I don’t see any benefit to point out with a red X that one disagrees with another other than to start an argument, or to cause bad feelings. Seems to me if someone wants to point out that they disagree they should reply and explain...
  3. TrailBeast

    Ignore button

    Figured I would respond to both of ya. Having spent years and years owning/managing and moderating web sites I’m kinda immune from it. People can say whatever they want and it doesn’t change anything about my life. It just tells me a lot about who they are.
  4. TrailBeast

    Ignore button

    I have never used the ignore feature.
  5. TrailBeast

    Add photos button not working.

    I call it WTFware update because you never know WTF it’s going to end up messing up.
  6. TrailBeast

    Add photos button not working.

    Awhile back I had a problem where any post I quoted added that same quote to anything else I quoted. They just stacked up, and the remove button wouldn’t work. A shut down and reboot of my phone fixed it.
  7. TrailBeast

    Private message Error

    The other person's box is probably full.
  8. TrailBeast

    GIFies no longer work?

    It has to do with the playback on your end, because the one you posted is working.
  9. TrailBeast

    Whats going on redirect with the Ipad.

    Yea, and expect that to make a mess. All Java based websites (and that's a lot of them) are going to have to switch to HTML5 or they won't work. I suspect a lot of places either simply won't switch, or it will take some time for the ones that will. 2020 isn't that far away.
  10. TrailBeast

    Whats going on redirect with the Ipad.

    Try clearing your website data. You probably have some unwanted junk causing the redirect.
  11. TrailBeast


    That's actually why I wouldn't want to change it at this point.
  12. TrailBeast


    I'm afraid if I changed mine no one would take me serious. I don't know, maybe someone has Ostrich nightmares.:rolleyes::lol:
  13. TrailBeast


    Oh, so yours are ok but not other peoples? :D
  14. TrailBeast

    Posting in the classifieds

    I think sellers that won't ship is about as bad as people that take only a money order for payment. Sure, that may be fine in the NY area where there are quite a few members within reasonable driving distance. As a matter of fact I just won't buy from anyone that doesn't have pictures of the...
  15. TrailBeast

    Constantly asked to accept cookies

    So your browser isn't set to clear the history when closing, or to ask every time about cookies? I mean no offense by this so please don't take it wrong, but if you have a background in this and you seem to be the only one with this problem (or only one annoyed by it enough to ask about it) then...
  16. TrailBeast

    Constantly asked to accept cookies

    If your browser is set to accept cookies in it's security setting it won't ask. But if you have them blocked or the browser clears when you close it, it will keep asking.
  17. TrailBeast

    Can't play videos in posts any more?

    I meant here on my end.
  18. TrailBeast

    Can't play videos in posts any more?

    I noticed odd stuff with the video's on here as well and figured it was just my browser. Maybe one of these days it will get important enough to check into it more.:D
  19. TrailBeast

    Can't play videos in posts any more?

    This is a little confusing. You say audio works with other sites, but video doesn't? If this is the case download a different player and see if it works with your Safari. You will have to do some troubleshooting to solve this.
  20. TrailBeast


    kiwigtx FABO Gold Member, 54, from New Zealand FABO Gold Member kiwigtx was last seen: Dec 12, 2018
  21. TrailBeast

    Classic Smilies

    Some more.
  22. TrailBeast


    That's the only time I get an error, is if my or the other person's inbox is full.
  23. TrailBeast


    Is your inbox full?
  24. TrailBeast

    Am I the only having trouble here?

    What did you do, kick it? :D I navigated around a bit using the mouseover options as well and it seems fine at the moment here.
  25. TrailBeast

    Am I the only having trouble here?

    Yep, and I have been watching this for quite some time. Especially when it comes up again. I don't think it's a time of day or amount of users issue though. I'd bet it's something simple, but so is picking up a big diamond off the ground. The diamond just has to be laying there for a person to...
  26. TrailBeast

    Am I the only having trouble here?

    That's a fair question, but it doesn't apply here. I have cleared cache Reset browsers to default with no add on running Checked, uninstalled and reinstalled the latest Java Run multiple Malware and Virus scans Used three different browsers Different computers at different locations Used...
  27. TrailBeast

    Am I the only having trouble here?

    Obviously it's an intermittent issue, but that is when I first saw this happening but of late it seems to have gotten more frequent and worse. Users have brought this up many times before in the past. Just trying to post this it did it with the three progress bars moving in the upper right but...
  28. TrailBeast

    Am I the only having trouble here?

    As you can see the servers for A&B bodies both respond to a ping really well, so I have to believe it's in the software somewhere. (possibly the Java control) because I noticed this happening pretty much exactly the same time all these new functions of menu's and notifications took over in the...
  29. TrailBeast

    Am I the only having trouble here?

    You don't need to point that difference out to me, as I was gold for years remember? Ok, so when I saw the notification that I had a new alert I moused over it like normal and it wouldn't open the preview like normal, but just the progress bars moving and nothing for about 20 seconds, then...
  30. TrailBeast

    Am I the only having trouble here?

    So on the sidebar there are http gif's that sometimes take a while to load up and cause a browser to hang until they do. This is more specifically what I meant by ads, but I see those load directly off the FA_O servers, so don't know why that happens. Even using different computers at different...