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  1. 71340Duster

    Stop in for a cup of coffee

    Good Morning All! Got called at 9:30 last night, was way asleep and told foreman can't do it. Fortunately a work around was applied but I may get called in for a permanent fix. Always an interesting time when they take a sub offline and expect all the coms to work
  2. Scott_ 69HemiDart

    Stop in for a cup of coffee


    Impending surgery: Prayers Requested!

    Prayers for you
  4. RustyRatRod

    73 340 duster thermoquad spacer ?

    Got a picture? I've never seen one. What was the purpose?
  5. 66fs

    [WANTED] A833 shifter needed for A body

    I have a complete 64-65 Hurst shifter, I'll pull it out. Do you need the mounting plate for the trans also?
  6. RustyRatRod

    Impending surgery: Prayers Requested!

    You got it sir. I will also add you to the church prayer list Sunday.
  7. WV64Signet

    Stop in for a cup of coffee

    Is that like one of those cars you put in the back of your car in case you real car breaks down?
  8. HotRod20

    Stop in for a cup of coffee

    Good morning coffee goer' work having my 1st cup a' jo. Heading out to Milan Dragway tomorrow for the Nostalgic Drags, Then down to Norwalk for the world of Mopar on Sunday. Have a great weekend folks.! HotRod20
  9. RustyRatRod

    Are there any experienced beer drinkers here?

    Dos Equis Ambar is really good with some lime slices squeezed in. That's what I get when Kitty and I go to the Mexican joint.
  10. toolmanmike

    Stop in for a cup of coffee

    "Crosley, a fine car"
  11. 4spdragtop

    Impending surgery: Prayers Requested!

    Strength and positive thoughts sent your way John.
  12. jeff alder

    Shop safety

    We always put a ball valve directly to the tank port so we can service the water trap and oiler without draining the compressor. It's also nice to shut that off for safety and to preserve the full tank of air the compressor generated without worrying about it bleeding down. Then we are good to...
  13. 66fs

    Impending surgery: Prayers Requested!

    Prayers sent.
  14. halifaxhops

    Stop in for a cup of coffee

    Who wants a Viper
  15. fastnos

    [SOLD] 383 6 pack

    Missing vacuum pods, as it doesn't have accelerator pumps on out board carbs. Needs different linkage, for vacuum carbs too..
  16. halifaxhops

    Stop in for a cup of coffee

    Morning Heathen Haters!
  17. 4spdragtop

    On the Streets!

    Stunning! A milestone marker for sure. Great work/skills. :thumbsup:
  18. F

    [WANTED] 1991-1996 DODGE DAKOTA

    Please provide detailed photos and we'll discuss a price. Thank you very much!
  19. Demonracer

    I Almost Flipped When I saw This

    Casting defects are much more common that you might think, especially with light weight metals. Remember the Barry Grant fiasco about porosity issues with the early Demon carburetors.
  20. 66fs

    73 340 duster thermoquad spacer ?

    1971 only.
  21. Cal Tonsley

    On the Streets!

    Much appreciated, thanks!
  22. WV64Signet

    Stop in for a cup of coffee

    RUSSEL! Morning
  23. Demonracer

    Shop safety

    I learned that lesson many years back, the door to my shop had a regular glass window in it. Late one night I heard breaking glass, went out to see the glass on the outside of the door. I heard the air hose flopping around when I got to the door. The end of the hose beat the crap out of my brand...
  24. Brooks James

    Getting started to work on my 1974 Dart Sport. I got questions

    Read Rusty Rat Rod's "Guide to Hot Rodding Bliss"
  25. Mark Wainwright

    Last one to post in this thread wins!

    Thought we'd try Crown Royal Vanilla. Wouldn't you know it's on backorder. We still have some Gretsky 99 so we're good. Looking forward to the car show tonight at the funeral home. Great door prizes plus 50/50 and great oldies music. Looks great weather as well. They also have a bbq and a...
  26. Kendog 170

    Getting started to work on my 1974 Dart Sport. I got questions

    I sounds like you might have a stout set up already. Clean it as said. Lube it (linkages ect Get it running. Oil leak Valve cover? Rear seal? Agree with flushing the fuel tank and all. Squirt a little oil in each cylinder and see if you can turn it at the crank with an 1 1/4 socket. Like said...
  27. CFD244

    Shop safety

    Buy a lottery ticket.
  28. RustyRatRod

    73 340 duster thermoquad spacer ?

    What "original" aluminum spacer was that?
  29. CFD244

    73 340 duster thermoquad spacer ?

    Thanks for the illustration Rob. I figured something was going on. I always thought there was a thin gasket above and below since the original aluminum spacer had a gasket above and below.