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  1. diymirage

    Add Your Own Caption Part 366

    so dear, i guess you didnt get round to fixing my brakes like you said you would ?
  2. ProjectBazza

    Are there any experienced beer drinkers here?

    Bingo! We have friends and relatives in PA who swear by Yuengling, and while I've had "more than a few", it's just not my cuppa. And when they are here on a visit and ask for some Summit, they don't really care for it, but they're polite about it. Before I tore the meniscus in both knees I was...
  3. Petty Betty

    Stop in for a cup of coffee

    Good to see you @fatoldguy
  4. fatoldguy

    Stop in for a cup of coffee

    Morning ! Thats my story and I'm sticking to it!
  5. pauly

    Drag Week 2024 live feed..

  6. Dne007

    63 Dodge Dart, now let me see;)

    oh, got a call from the machine shop regarding my slant 6. It was .30 over already, but he said the cylinders were not in good shape, so we're going to .40 over, needed valve guides, so a valve job. He's sourcing the pistons. so that's that:)
  7. Dne007

    63 Dodge Dart, now let me see;)

    yes, it appears to be a tight fit and I too wouldn't weld, or in my case, I'm going to do what Neil did, bolt it in, but still want it centered perfectly;)
  8. dartnabout

    Stop in for a cup of coffee

    What is this with kids wanting to come off with these expensive elaborate weddings. Geesh a church and a cheese sandwich should be enough....oh mints and nuts on the table. I love that mints and peanut combination
  9. charliec

    Random pictures thread

    :rofl:I was NEVER as skinny as this dude.
  10. D

    Hood tach

    I have a NOS Hustle Stuff one I might consider parting with
  11. A56

    Hood tach

    For external fogging but internal gauge fogging not so much.
  12. RustyRatRod

    Too Hot

    Oooooo that sounded SO intelligent.
  13. S

    Milling an intake manifold.

    You wouldn't be near the upstate NY area?!?
  14. RustyRatRod

    Hood tach

    RainX makes excellent anti fog products.
  15. S

    Too Hot

    195 is not hot but you old guys go on keep thinking that 60's bs and runs your engines too cold. Years of going very fast using modern instrumentation and tuning cars that will beat up whatever you m:steering:ight be driving tell the truth. Put a wideband af meter on these cold engines and show...
  16. pauly

    Stop in for a cup of coffee

    Friend of mine’s stepson just announced they are getting married in Greece and invited everyone and their brother to come. Friend’s wife told him that they should pay for the other kids’ tickets and lodging and he told her no. She wasn’t happy and I wouldn’t be surprised she goes by herself...
  17. S

    Milling an intake manifold.

    We unfortunately do not have a head fixture.
  18. S

    Milling an intake manifold.

    I agree but I have a race soon and don't have another set of head gaskets. Also, I have so much time into this intake, when I get done with the next version it will just go on the shelf as wall art. Lol
  19. Dfr360cuda

    Are there any experienced beer drinkers here?

    PA beer only. Yuengling, Iron City, Straub, Duquesne No more Rolling Rock. Never did like Bud
  20. dartnabout

    Stop in for a cup of coffee

    OK I made I am and saying GOOD MORNING EVERYONE
  21. S

    RMS rear 4 link, not symmetrical?

    Why haven't you called RMS and talked to Bill before asking on here? I do not understand...
  22. A56

    Hood tach

    Funny, Harley Davidson gauges, being that they were exposed to the elements of all types fogged up and many questions were lodged across my counter about it. Harley's reply stated that there were holes that allowed air to enter and defog over a given time.
  23. Oldmanmopar

    [WANTED] 1972 Duster Moulding

    Just an FYI they are all damaged at the rear . They are squashed so the rear window fits at the back. You won't find any that are not damaged as you think ., Just looked through over 30 for a build here and not one wasn't squashed at the rear.
  24. Dfr360cuda

    Wide load right past Keystone Raceway Park

    US Steel Mon Valley Works This is where I work.

    Stop in for a cup of coffee

    Still working on this Ford Timing Job. Hopefully wrapping it up today..... :mob:
  26. halifaxhops

    Stop in for a cup of coffee

    Looks like Tony D's cleaning out
  27. gliderider06

    [FOR SALE] Holley Double pumper aluminum metering blocks

    New aluminum metering blocks for Holley 750 double pumper carb. They have 4 corner metering and power valves in each block. Asking $110.00 shipped priority to a US postal address
  28. A56

    Hood tach

    Deja vu all over......again. :rolleyes:
  29. Cal Tonsley

    On the Streets!

    Good on ya, love your car too!
  30. Petty Betty

    Stop in for a cup of coffee

    Good morning gentlemen